99539	304157	彼は木にナイフを刺した。	bunbuku	He stuck his knife into the tree.	CK
99470	304228	彼は夜空を見上げた。	bunbuku	He looked up at the night sky.	CK
99430	304268	彼は野球をするのがとてもうまい。	mookeee	He is very good at playing baseball.	CK
99382	293314	彼は約束を守る男だ。	bunbuku	He is a man of his word.	CK
99373	304325	彼は約束を忘れがちである。	mookeee	He is apt to forget his promise.	CK
99330	304367	彼は友愛会の会員だ。	bunbuku	He is a member of the fraternity.	CK
99323	304376	彼は友人たちに助けを求めた。	bunbuku	He turned to his friends for help.	CK
99314	304385	彼は友人に援助を求めた。	bunbuku	He turned to his friend for help.	CK
99298	304401	彼は友人を訪ねた。	bunbuku	He paid a visit to his friend.	CK
99289	304376	彼は友達に助けを求めた。	bunbuku	He turned to his friends for help.	CK