78781	284936	養っていかねばならない大家族がいるのです。	mookeee	He has a large family to support.	CK
78777	324939	欲しいだけ取りなさい。	mookeee	Take as much as you want to.	CK
78776	1130357	欲しいのは君だけなんだ。	mookeee	It is only you who want it.	mookeee
78766	324950	欲張っても食べきれないよ。	mookeee	Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.	CK
78747	324969	翌朝は眠たかったです。	mookeee	We were very sleepy the next morning.	CK
78739	324977	翌日は足が痛かった。	mookeee	I had sore legs the next day.	CK
78731	63393	来たい人は誰でも招待してよろしい。	mookeee	You may invite whoever wants to come.	CK
78699	1293167	来る日も来る日も私は彼女に手紙を書いた。	mookeee	I wrote her a letter every day.	CK
78681	1430141	来月はとても忙しいだろう。	mookeee	He will be very busy next month.	CK
78674	507507	来月子供を生みます。	mookeee	She will have a baby next month.	NekoKanjya